Obesity has become a global epidemic. With 1 in 3 of the world’s population being overweight and 13% being obese, it is now the fifth leading risk for global deaths. Around 50% of adults are trying to lose weight at any given time, fuelling the rapid growth of the global weight management market to a multibillion-dollar industry. Unfortunately, 95% of diet fads either fail or deliver unsustainable results because most diets are: · complicated, restrictive and add complexity to the dieter’s lifestyle · expensive and promote exotic ingredients that are not readily available or easily accessible · impose meals or cuisines that the dieter is unfamiliar with or does not particularly enjoy · offer a one size fits all approach and sets unrealistic expectations The solution to overweight and obesity is therefore n...
Since announcing the forthcoming launch of my 1st book, I have been overwhelmed by your show of support and encouragement and a bit of pokes here and there to spill out what the book is about. It's also been interesting reading the guesses about what genre this could be. I didn't plan to keep this to myself for long, so today I'm spilling it! Those of you who know me will remember that in 2018, I took the bold decision to address my overweight. That's just putting it mildly. Truth is at the time I was officially obese and my BMI had crept up to the red range of the NHS BMI scale . Anyone who grew up with me could not believe I could ever get that big. However I found the right information, applied it and in 6 months, I transformed my body and have since regained control of my weight. I learnt a lot along the way and have decided to put these in a book to help as many people who may still be struggling with overweight or be caught up in the vicious 'diet - lose...